If you are searching for your model, please be sure to visit all the posts; yours has probably already been identified. Think of it as a puzzle; the answer is already in this thread....somewhere! Happy hunting! Best Regards, Ron (rwsem)
Small frame models.
- 11 (357 Mag) Service Pork Chop
- 12 (357 Mag) Target Pork Chop
- 14 (357 Mag) Service Pork Chop
- 15 (357 Mag) Target Pork Chop
- 14-2 (357 Mag) Service
- 15-2 (357 Mag) Target
- 722 (.22 Long Rifle) Target
- 22M (.22 Win. Mag) Target
- 722M (.22 Win. Mag) Target
- 8-2 (.38 Special) Service
- 708 (.38 Special) Service
- 9-2 (.38 Special) Target
- 709 (.38 Special) Target
- 714 (.357 Mag) Service PHOTO
- 715 (.357 Mag) Target PHOTO
Models starting with a 7 are stainless guns.
Service models had fixed rear sights
Target models have adjustable rear sights
There are other models please help fill in the blanks.
The most common small frame guns are the model 15 and 15-2, the thought is the -2 guns have minor differences when Monson started manufacturing the guns and labeled it the -2. One of the changes noted is shape of the hammer.
When Bob Serva bought the Dan Wesson company and moved it to Norwich NY, he retooled the shop with all new CNC machines and the first guns he produced were marked "First issue" they went back to labeling the model 15 and 715 dropping the -2.
Edit by CF; straightened out some model references & added a few photos. 2/2012
In looking at the Blue Book of Gun Values there are a few more:
Additional Small Frame Revolvers (not sure if the last 3 are small frame or not I was guessing on those.)
- 32 - 32 H&R Mag
- 732 - Stainless 32 H&R Mag
- 38P - 38+P 5 Shot
- 322 - 32-20 WCF
- 7322 - Stainless 32-20 WCF
- 375 - 375 Supermag
- 40 - 357 Supermag
- 740V - 357 Supermag
Now for some large frame:
- 41 - 41 Mag
- 414 Supermag
- 44 - 44 Mag
- 45 - 45 Colt
- 45 Pin Gun (Blued and Stainless) - 45 ACP
- 445 Supermag - 445 Supermag
- 741 - 41 Mag
- 744 - 44 Mag
- 745 - 45 Colt
- 7414 - 414 Supermag
- 7445 - 445 Supermag
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm also going to make this a sticky for easy reference.
This information was compiling from the post on the Graybeard forum site. I would like to take everyone on that site that contributed to this list as well as our members here.
Models starting with a 7 are stainless guns.
Service models had fixed rear sights
Target models have adjustable rear sights
Small frame models
- 8-2 (.38 Special) Service
- 9-2 (.38 Special) Target
- 11 (357 Mag) Service Pork Chop
- 12 (357 Mag) Target Pork Chop
- 14 (357 Mag) Service Pork Chop
- 14-2 (.357 Mag) Service
- 15 (357 Mag) Target Pork Chop
- 14 (357 Mag) Service
- 15 (357 Mag) Target
- 15-2 (.357 Mag) Target
- 22 (22LR) Target
- 22M (.22 Win. Mag) Target
- 32 (32 H&R Mag)
- 3220 (32-20 Winchester)
- 708 (.38 Special) Service
- 709 (.38 Special) Target
- 714 (.357 Mag) Service
- 715 (.357 Mag) Target
- 722 (.22 Long Rifle) Target
- 722M (.22 Win. Mag) Target
- 732 (32 H&R Mag) stainless
- 73220 (32-20 Winchester) stainless
- 738P (38Sp +P)
Large frame
- 41 (41 Magnum)
- 44 (44 Magnum)
- 45 (45 Long Colt)
- 741 (41 Magnum) stainless
- 744 (44 Magnum) stainless
- 745 (45 Long Colt) stainless
- 7360 (360 Dan Wesson) stainless Norwich Production only
- 7460 (460 Rowland) stainless only Norwich production only also fires 45 acp, 45 Win Mag
Supermag Frame
- 40 (357 Supermag- 357 Maximum)
- 740 (357 Supermag - 357 Maximum) stainless
- 375 (375 Supermag) Blued only Palmer production only. (One member has reported having a Monson produced 375 SuperMag. So they did make a limited number there. There is no way to know the quantity but I image it's very low) Added 2009-01-19.
- 7414 (414 Supermag) stainless Palmer production 25 units Norwich production very limited (Don’t know if blued was ever produced???)
- 445 (445 Supermag)
- 7445 (445 Supermag) stainless
Single Action
During the Palmer manufacture period (Wesson Firearms Co., Inc) there were some single action only 22 caliber target guns manufactured . These models were only manufactured in blue or stainless with 10" barrel assemblies, either vent or vent heavy. The single action only guns were designated with a 6 before the model number.
- 622-V10 Blue, single action only 22 cal.
- 622-VH10 Blue, single action only 22 cal.
- 6722-V10 stainless, single action only 22 cal.
- 6722VH10 stainless, single action only 22 cal.
Barrel Configurations
Because of the Dan Wesson interchangeable barrel system, when the guns were sold, the barrel size and type was usually part of the model designation. Obviously this would change if the user changed the barrel, but it is still an interesting part of the Dan Wesson equation.
1). Standard barrels having the solid rib without the heavy underlug were usually designated by the barrel length alone.
For example, as per the information posted above, a 357 magnum with adjustable sights is a model 15.
The same gun with the standard 8” barrel becomes a model 15-8
2). Barrels with the vent rib get a V prefix.
So our model 15 with an 8” vent rib barrel becomes a model 15-V8
3). The Heavy Underlug adds an H to the designation
So a Heavy vent rib 8” equipped gun becomes a model 15-VH8
4). The slots cut on some of the silhouette shrouds add an S to the end.
The most common was the 357 Supermag model 40 (or 740 stainless)
So a model 740 stainless with the 8” vent rib and slotted shroud is a model 740-V8S
Yes, there were even some heavy underlug slotted guns (don’t know why)
So then a 740 vent rib, heavy underlug, slotted shroud gun is a model 740-VH8S
In Summary:
V = Vent Rib
H = Heavy Underlug
2,4,6,8,10,12,15 = barrel length (12" and 15" were only available for 357 magnum model 15 and 715)
S = Slotted Shroud
Also note the barrel length is the actual length of the barrel, from the forcing cone to the muzzle crown. The shroud length is obviously less because of the area the barrel screws through the frame.
The Pistol Pac and Hunters Pac.
From very early on, the Dan Wesson Revolver has been offered as a Pistol Pac. Over the years, the contents of the Pistol Pac changed some, but most contained the following Items.
1.) Dan Wesson Revolver with an 8" barrel assembly.
2.) Extra barrel assemblies in 2 1/2", 4" , and 6" length.
3.) An extra grip
4.) 4 additional front sight blades (2 white or red, and 2 yellow)
5.) A belt buckle
6.) A Dan Wesson logo patch
7.) A wrench kit
8.) A Carrying Case
Pistol Pacs were designated by a "P" then the model number of the revolver frame, then the barrel shroud type (blank) for standard, "V" for vent, "VH" for Vent Heavy
P-715 = Stainless 357 mag. standard barrel shroud
P-41-V = Blued 41 magnum, Vent rib barrel shroud
P-745-VH = stainless 45 long colt, Vent Heavy Pistol Pac
The Hunter Pac was offered in all Magnum calibers from 22 magnum up through 445 Supermag (even the 375 was a catalog item)
The Hunter Pac contained the following items:
1). Dan Wesson Revolver with an 8" Vent Heavy Shroud.
2). A Vent 8" Shroud (only, no extra barrel), equipped with Burris scope mounts and a Burris scope in either 11/2x-4x variable or 2x fixed.
3). Barrel changing tool
4). Dan Wesson logo patch
5). Carrying case
Hunters Pacs were identified by an "HP" before the model number and then a "V" for variable scope or a "2" for fixed power scope.
HP22M-V = 22magnum blue with 1 1/2x - 4x scope
HP744-2 = 44 magnum stainless with 2x fixed scope.
Other Interesting Information
The most common small frame guns are the model 15 and 15-2, the thought is the -2 guns have minor differences when Monson started manufacturing the guns and labeled it the -2. One of the changes noted is shape of the hammer.
When Bob Serva bought the Dan Wesson company and moved it to Norwich NY, he retooled the shop with all new CNC machines and the first guns he produced were marked "First issue" they went back to labeling the model 15 and 715 dropping the -2.
There is also a SuperRam Silhouette version available in many calibers, Norwich production with an under cut partridge front sight covered with a slab-sided hood, the rear sight is a Bomar with 18 clicks per revolution. These guns are marked with a SRS-1 on the barrel hood.
The Model 11 service and the model 12 target both had the pork chop barrel shrouds and the exposed barrel nut on the end. The early Model 14 and 15 had the pork chop barrel shrouds, but the barrel nut was recessed. The pork chop shroud was redesigned to the current style when the model designation was changed to 14-2 and 15-2.
The stainless .38 Special Action Cup with the large slab barrel shroud was just designated as the "Action Cup", no numerical model number.
I feel this information is so useful and interesting that I have created two new pages to cover models. The new pages are:
These two pages can be accessed from the Models page on the navigation bar. If updated information is posted here I will update the new pages.
Thanks to Dave
i stepped on old Dan Wesson pages
containing model and price lists. Regarding them i feel that
catalogisizing the complete model/price history is even more
complicated as i thought before. How can we respect
the differerent eras of business and model-lines
although we do not have all informations jet ?
(Monson era, Norwich era, and others)
Please have a look at this infos: DW model + price-list
Regards Tom

November 19, 2008

Ok, I'm new here and not sure I understand all of this. I have a DW .357 My ex husband bought it from some guy who needed cash, over 20 years ago. I have been told it is a collectable, but how do I tell? It has a serial # but it doesn't have any of those letters listed. I have shot it a few times but don't know much about the parts. Like is it vented or not, or heavy under lug.....I don't know what these mean. What do I need to do to see exactly what I have? Thanks in advance.

Hello: not having any luck with pictures, I'll keep trying. I do have models and numbers but no production dates. No. 1 dan wesson, blue # 375Mb00111X, 8"VSshroud, monson, mass, Dan wesson arms, shroud marked .375 SM ctg. with orignal box. No. 2 wesson firearms 722, # 22S00111X VH8", palmer, mass. u.s.a., shroud marked cal.22 lr., with leupold clamp mt. and 8m 4x scope. Sweet shooter. the finish and stamping is great.No. 3 dan wesson arms, blue # 357MB00123X, 8"VS, monsom mass.u.s.a., shroud marked dan wesson arms .357 maximum ctg, left side super mag. No. 4 dan wesson arms, blue # 44B00309X, VH6",monson mass.u.s.a., shroud marked,dan wesson arms .44 magnum ctg. buchler mt., with b&l 2X scope. No.5 wesson firearms, Pre AGS .445S00001X, palmer mass. u.s.a.,shroud marked .445 ctg, left side has .445 super mag. and dan wesson signature on end of shroud. This is compensated with knurled knob on the end of barrel and 4" barrel, in plastic black box and papers with tool, also tephlon coated, another sweet shooter with some copper color showing on the shroud, this had a sale tag dated to 1992 in the box I bought this used, No.6 is a dan wesson firearms, PMA-S PMA421X, stainless steel, .45acp, ausie mint in plastic black box with lock and papers, this is norwich, ny u.s.a. Sale date is spring of 2004. hope this helps will keep trying to get the pictures loaded. Again keep the faith and buy guns!

February 12, 2009

I have gone through all of the above posts, but am still unsure of exactly what I have.
It is a .44 magnum, stainless, 6" barrel made in Palmer, Mass.
It is not a vent rib barrel and I don't think that it has the interchangeable barrel. I can't see any slots at the end of the barrel.
Any information would be appreciated.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

This might help out, there were fixed barrel Dan Wesson revolvers (surprised me too).
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